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Are you licensed to sell?

Are you licensed to sell?


As we all know, Amanda Zito is licensed to sell, but how did she get there, what were the requirements, and what exactly does that mean? I’ll tell you all about it. To start things off, you must be 18 years or older to obtain a license to sell. Besides age, you also must be a U.S citizen. The next step of the process would be taking classes.You are required to complete 135 hours of BRE- approved college level real estate courses. There are multiple options of how to complete this standard. Once you have accomplished the courses, your next step is to take the test. When applying to take the test you are required to also submit your fingerprints and pass a background check. Assuming you passed the background check, your next step would be to pay the fees involved with taking the test. You must take the test within 2 years of paying for the exam. If you do not take the test within 2 years you will be required to pay the fee again in order to take the exam. From there you have to pass the exam with a 70% or higher score and then you too will be licensed to sell. Alright so you have the license, now what? You have many career paths to choose from. You could become a sales assistant if you want! This job requires scheduling appointments and keeping your agent organized. Maybe you are great at negotiating and staying on top of dates and times? You could look into property management. Their job duties are all about negotiating leases and rent, ensuring rent is paid on time, and general problem solving. I bet you never knew being licensed to sell came with so many choices. You could even go Amanda’s route and become an agent who is licensed to help sellers sell, and buyers buy. Who knew there were this may options with a license? This is what being licensed to sell is all about! Amateur agents go around screaming and shouting “I’m licensed to sell!” And I don’t doubt that they are, but do they do their job well? I’m sure you can answer that on your own. Amatuer agents do not compare to Amanda Zito’s 14 years of experience, she can practically sell in her sleep! Inexperienced agents can easily be caught off guard in a transaction or lose a transaction due to being unprepared which is okay when you first start, but lucky for you Amanda is not an amature, afterall she is licensed to sell. Yes there are times when Amanda has to put in more effort than a smooth sailing transaction due to an unforeseen circumstance but after years of being in this field of work it is easy for her to regroup, maneuver, and get the job completed. All in all, many people are “licensed to sell” but are they licensed to sell with all of the expertise Amanda has?

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